What are Dental Implants? How is it applied?
Dental implants are known as a widely used method in the treatment of missing teeth due to many advantages. Implants with a strong structure offer a long-lasting solution. It integrates into the jawbone similar to natural tooth roots and therefore provides a functional bite force by forming a solid foundation. In this article, we have compiled the answers to questions such as what dental implants are, to whom and how they are applied.
What are Dental Implants?
A dental implant is a restorative dental treatment that replaces missing teeth and provides a similar function and appearance to natural teeth. Dental implants are known as artificial tooth roots made of biocompatible materials such as titanium. These implants placed in the jawbone combine with the jawbone to form a strong bond.
To Whom Are Dental Implants Applied?
Dental implants can be easily applied to people who meet the following conditions:
How Long Does Dental Implant Treatment Take?
Dental implant treatment may vary according to each patient’s condition and the process may differ in some cases. For this reason, you can contact us through our Dentekiz Clinic contact number to get more detailed information about implant treatment and to create a personalized treatment plan.
How Are Dental Implants Applied?
First, a dentist or maxillofacial surgeon makes an evaluation for implant treatment. In this process, oral examination, x-rays and, if necessary, other imaging especially computed tomography imaging techniques are used. Density of the jawbone is examined to determine whether it is suitable for implant placement. In addition, the determination of the points where the implants will be placed and the creation of the treatment plan are also carried out at this stage. Implant placement is usually done under local anesthesia. In some cases, sedation or general anesthesia may also be used, depending on the patient’s preference. Implants are surgically placed in the jawbone. The implant is usually in the form of a screw or tooth root made of titanium. After the implants are placed in the appropriate position, a closing cap called the healing cap is attached on the gingiva.
During the healing process of the implant, a temporary tooth may be inserted. This temporary restoration is used to meet aesthetic and functional needs and is placed on the implant temporarily during the healing process. When the healing process of the implant is complete, a prosthesis or crown is attached. This is known as an artificial tooth that is placed on the implant and replaces the missing tooth. The prosthesis or crown is specially produced in the laboratory by taking measurements and placed on the implant. The prosthesis or crown is shaped and fitted appropriately to provide the natural appearance and function of the tooth.
For more detailed information about dental implant treatment, you can contact us at Dentekiz Clinic contact addresses.
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