What are General Anesthesia and Sedation Applications?
In dentistry, general anesthesia and sedation applications are used to prevent or feel less pain during treatment. In this article, we touched on general anesthesia and sedation applications for you. For detailed information on the subject, you can read the rest of our article.
What are Anesthesia Applications?
In general, anesthesia is the temporary blocking of the perception of pain in the whole or a certain part of the human body before any surgical intervention. There are 4 different types of anesthesia applied for special or specific purposes. All types of anesthesia suppress the nervous system to varying degrees. In this way, pain and pain are prevented from being felt. Regardless of the type of anesthesia, its effect on the nervous system in the affected areas is limited by the duration of action of the drug used. Anesthesia applications do not have a permanent effect on the nervous system or its cells. In any surgical procedure, an appropriate type of anesthesia is selected and applied to the patient.
What are Anesthesia Methods?
The main anesthesia methods can be listed as follows:
What is Local Anesthesia and Regional Anesthesia?
Local anesthesia and regional anesthesia are the most commonly used anesthesia types in dentistry. Local anesthesia is a method of applying anesthesia to only that tooth and surrounding tissues in order to operate a single tooth. Regional anesthesia, on the other hand, means blocking the entire area stimulated by a nerve. The best example of this is anesthetizing the entire lower jaw, that is, mandibular anesthesia. In fact, the most important point in dental treatment is that the patient does not feel pain. Therefore, anesthesia is the most important issue during dental treatments.
What is General Anesthesia?
General anesthesia is also known as narcosis among the people. It refers to the temporary loss of consciousness and the disappearance of sensory functions. In general anesthesia, a method is applied so that the patient does not feel pain and pain. In this way, the sensation of sensation throughout the body temporarily disappears. The anesthetic used affects the entire nervous system.
General anesthesia applications are started with anesthetic drugs injected into the vein. After the patient sleeps, anesthesia is deepened with drugs used through the respiratory tract.
Patients under general anesthesia; He does not feel pain, cannot move, is not aware of what is happening around him and does not remember what happened during anesthesia. General anesthesia in dentistry; It is applied in situations that require fear, anxiety and advanced surgical procedure.
What are Sedation Applications?
Sedation: It is a procedure called deep sleep, which is performed by anesthesiologists and technicians in order to eliminate pain, fear, anxiety and nausea that may occur during dental treatment. As a result of sedation, the patient entered the sleep state; He does not remember the content of the procedure performed with the effect of sedative drugs, the pain and sounds felt after the treatment. In this way, the fear of the dentist is eliminated.
Who Can Be Applied to Sedation?
Sedation applications can be applied to the following people:
It is a procedure that can be easily applied in children and adults.
What is the Difference Between Sedation and General Anesthesia?
Sedation and general anesthesia appear to be the same in patients’ minds. However, there are significant differences between the two processes. We can list the differences between sedation and general anesthesia as follows:
For more information about general anesthesia and sedation procedures in dentistry, you can contact us at Dentekiz Clinic contact addresses.
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