What is the Treatment of Gum Diseases (Periodontology)?
Periodontology, also known as gum treatment, is an important part of dentistry. It is a branch that examines the anatomy, histology and physiology of the hard and soft tissues surrounding the teeth, investigates the diseases that may occur or may occur in these tissues, and provides treatment. In this article, we have compiled for you what you need to know about the treatment of gum diseases, namely periodontology. For detailed information on the subject, you can read the rest of our article.
What are the Symptoms of Gum Diseases?
We can list the symptoms of gum disease as follows:
What are Gum Diseases?
Gum diseases can appear in different ways. We can list the most common gum diseases as follows:
What are the Causes of Gum Diseases?
Gum disease can occur for a variety of reasons. We can list these reasons as follows:
How is Gum Treatment (Periodontology) Performed?
Gum treatment and its stages vary according to the condition of the disease. Depending on the situation, drug treatment or gum surgery can be performed. The treatment method to be followed is completely determined by the stage of the gum disease and the area it has affected. For example; If tooth extraction is necessary, antibiotic treatment may need to be started first. During the treatment process, it is important to use the medicines given by the doctor regularly.
The primary aim in the treatment of gum diseases is; removal of the bacteria causing the infection. For this, with the help of ultrasonic devices, dental calculus can be cleaned. Then, gingival treatment is performed according to the intense bacterial condition in the gingiva. In gingival cleaning, the root of the tooth is intervened. For this reason, the procedure is performed by applying local anesthesia to the patient. Thanks to local anesthesia, the patient is made to feel more comfortable.
When the gingiva is completely cleaned, the applications to be made on the tooth surface can be started. Here, a polishing process called tooth polishing is applied. With the polishing process, the stains on the teeth are easily removed. At the end of the entire treatment, it is important to follow the recommendations of the dentist. An appropriate oral care routine should be established. It is also important to care for the teeth and gums without forcing them after the gum treatment. Recurrence of the disease can be easily prevented by paying attention to the warnings and recommendations of the dentist.
What Should Be Considered After Gum Disease Treatment?
The treatment of gum diseases is carried out with very sensitive procedures. For this reason, there are some factors that should be considered after treatment. We can list these elements as follows:
To get more detailed information about gingival diseases and treatment processes, you can contact us at Dentekiz Clinic contact addresses.
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