What is Laminate Veneer (Leaf Tooth Veneer)?
Laminate veneer, also known as leaf veneer, is one of the aesthetic dental treatment methods. Laminate veneer, which is among the most preferred methods, is usually applied within the scope of aesthetic smile design. When looking at the laminate veneer procedure, it is seen that the tooth is covered with leaf porcelains of 0.3 to 0.5 mm thickness. In this way, stained, yellowed or broken teeth are treated and given a smooth appearance. In this article, we have compiled for you what you need to know about laminate veneer.
What is Laminate Veneer?
Laminate veneer, that is, leaf tooth veneer treatment method, is made of porcelain, very thin and translucent plates. These plaques, which are prepared individually and appropriately, are carefully placed on the teeth. These porcelains, which are adhered to the teeth with the help of a special adhesive, provide perfect harmony and strength. To learn more about laminate veneer treatment, you can contact us at Dentekiz Clinic contact numbers.
To Whom Is Laminate Veneer (Leaf Tooth Veneer) Applied?
Laminate veneer application is usually done with the aim of eliminating aesthetic problems that occur in front teeth due to different reasons. In addition, laminate veneer application is used in color changes that occur due to different reasons and cannot be eliminated even by tooth whitening methods.
Besides these;
Laminate veneer method can be applied.
From what age is Laminate Veneer (Leaf Tooth Veneer) Applied?
Laminate veneer treatment method can be easily applied to anyone over the age of 18.
Who should not apply Laminate Veneer (Leaf Tooth Veneer)?
Certain conditions must be met in order to have a laminate veneer made. Well, who can’t have a laminate veneer?
Individuals with excessive tooth crookedness
Individuals under the age of 18
In order for the coating to remain healthy; It is also important that there is no clenching disease. If present, this condition must be treated first.
How is Laminate Veneer (Leaf Tooth Veneer) Applied?
Before the laminate veneer application, the patient undergoes a detailed examination. As a result of this examination, the needs of the patient are determined, and a treatment plan is created. First, a small amount of tissue is etched into the front surface of the teeth and shaped. Then the teeth are made ready for veneer application. By numbing the gums, the pain sensation is reduced. Afterwards, a 3D model is created by digital scanning inside the mouth. On average, laminate veneers are prepared in 5 to 6 days via digital scanning.
How Long Does Laminate Veneer Application Take?
Laminate veneer application is usually completed in 1 visit if there is not any other treatment or aesthetic intervention on the gums. At the end of this period, patients can safely start using the veneers. It is completed in an average of 7-10 days. If combined with implant treatment, two sessions may be required.
With the developing technology today, it is possible for a smile to look both healthy and beautiful. As Dentekiz Clinic, we take care of all our patients and help them achieve the smile they want.
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