● To ensure the protecon of personal data
It is obliged to take all necessary administrave and technical measures to ensure the appropriate
level of security for the purpose.
For the reasons explained, Dentekiz Clinic implements security measures to prevent unlawful
processing of personal data, transfer and disclosure to third pares, unauthorized access and security
deciencies arising from other means. Explanaons on the administrave and technical measures
2.2. Protecon of Private Personal Data
Among the sensive personal data, the health data of the persons concerned, without seeking the
explicit consent of the relevant person, but for the purposes of protecng public health, prevenve
medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning health services and nancing and
management purposes, persons or authorized instuons and can be processed by organizaons. In
addion, regardless of the type, all sensive personal data can only be processed in accordance with
the law if adequate measures determined by KVKK are taken.
Your personal data that you share with us within the scope of our clinical acvies; For the purposes
of protecng public health, prevenve medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services
provided by Dentekiz Clinic, with automac or non-automac methods, planning and management of
health services and nancing; Obtaining, recording, storing, changing through all channels including
social media applicaons such as internet site, survey, social responsibility and verbal, wrien, visual
or electronic media, via hotline/call center, internet site, verbal, wrien and similar channels,
collected and rearranged. Any operaon performed on data within the scope of KVKK is considered as
"processing of personal data".
In addion, your personal data may be processed when you use our hotline or internet page for
informaon, appointment, complaint or other purposes for service provision, visit our clinic or
website and browse this site.
The data that is sensive due to its nature and may cause vicmizaon or discriminaon of the data
owner if it is in the hands of third pares is accepted as "Special "Qualied Personal Data" within the
scope of the Law. Sensive personal data includes data related to the person's race, ethnicity, polical
opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, clothing, associaon, foundaon or union
membership, health, sexual life, criminal convicon and security measures, and biometric data. and
genec data. Sensive personal data cannot be processed without the explicit consent of the data
subject. All necessary measures are taken by Dentekiz Clinic to protect sensive personal data, and it
is essenal that such data are not obtained and processed as much as possible.
3.1. Processing of Personal Data in Compliance with the Principles Established in the Legislaon
The principles to be applied in the processing of your personal data in accordance with Arcle 4 of
the Law are as follows:
● Compliance with the law and the rule of honesty,
● Being accurate and up-to-date when necessary,
● Processing for specic, explicit and legimate purposes,