Within the scope of this Privacy and Cookie Policy, we may share your personal data with our
domesc or foreign suppliers and authorized public instuons and organizaons, limited to the
following purposes and in accordance with the relevant legislaon:
• Our Suppliers: Sharing with the suppliers we work in connecon with due to our clinical acvies,
within the scope of sending e-mail, informaon technologies, archive or cloud service, data analysis
and similar processes.
• Authorized public instuons and organizaons: In order to protect the rights, interests, privacy or
safety of you or other third pares, and to respond to requests, the clinic is authorized or required by
law or legal process, law enforcement authories, government agencies or public instuons,
regulatory bodies. sharing with authories and/or other persons who have the appropriate legal
authority or juscaon to obtain your informaon.
5. Cookies Used on Our Site
Cookies can be used to perform the basic funcons necessary for the website to work, to ensure that
the website works properly and to benet from the services oered on the website. Necessary
cookies are used on our website, and cookies that are required at least for a targeted funcon to
work are called mandatory cookies. It is used for security purposes in order to ensure the correct
funconing of our website and to perform the necessary basic funcons. These types of cookies are
necessary for site performance and are not subject to the approval of our visitors.
6. Use and Control of Cookies
You have the right to customize your preferences by changing the browser sengs in which you view
our website. If the browser you use oers this possibility, it is possible to change the preferences
regarding cookies through your browser sengs. Thus, although it may dier according to the
possibilies oered by the browser, data owners have the opportunity to prevent the use of cookies,
to receive a warning before cookies are used, or to disable or delete only some cookies. Preferences
on this subject vary according to the browser you use, and you can access the general explanaon at
hps://www.aboutcookies.org/. Your preferences for cookies may need to be made separately for
each device you access our website.
Our website also has links to other web sites. Our website hps://www.dentekiz.com is not
responsible for the privacy policies and contents of other sites.
7. Your Rights as Data Subject/Relevant Person
As personal data owners, you can submit your requests regarding your rights through the methods
set out in the data subject applicaon procedure (Based on the Communiqué on Applicaon
Procedures and Principles to the Data Controller). Your identy can be conrmed in wring with
another document containing your mandatory informaon, or by using a registered e-mail (KEP)
address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature or an e-mail address previously noed to the
Clinic by the person concerned and registered in the Clinic's system. Ataköy 7-8-9-10, which is stated
below, which belongs to the Clinic in a way. If you send it to the address Kısım Mahallesi, Çobançeşme