As Dentekiz Clinic, we care about the protecon of your personal data and the privacy of your private
life. The purpose of this Privacy and Cookie Policy is to inform you about the personal data collected
from you during your visit to the hps:// website and the cookies we use on our
1. What is a cookie?
Cookies are small text les, usually consisng of leers and numbers, that are stored on your device
or network server by the users in the browsers by the website you visit.
As Clinic, we use cookies, pixels and similar technologies in order to improve the experience of our
visitors within the scope of sending a contact form to us through the visit of the website
hps:// of the Clinic. In this regard, cookies are used in accordance with all the
regulaons, communiqués and decisions published from me to me by the Personal Data Protecon
Authority, especially the Law on the Protecon of Personal Data No. 6698 (“Law”).
As a clinic, we always reserve the authority to change, edit, add or remove this Privacy and Cookie
You can always access detailed informaon on the processing of your personal data from the
Claricaon Text on the Protecon of Personal Data and the Website Visitor Claricaon Text on the
Protecon of Personal Data published by the Clinic at hps://
2. Purpose of Use of Cookies
We use the data we obtain through cookies from users vising our website for the following
• Ensuring the realizaon of the necessary basic funcons and funconality of the website,
• Ensuring the correct funconing of the website,
• To ensure the legal and commercial security of the website, you and our Clinic.
3. Personal Data Collecon Method and Legal Reason
In the contact forms lled in to contact the Clinic on our site, our visitors; may be required to enter
their identy (name, surname), contact informaon (phone, e-mail address, etc.), descripon,
requests and complaints, and personal informaon.
Your personal data related to login IP, exit IP, entry-exit date/me, IP address, trac informaon
collected by the Clinic through cookies during your visit to our website can be processed in
accordance with Arcles 5 and 6 of the Law.
4. Transfer of Personal Data
Within the scope of this Privacy and Cookie Policy, we may share your personal data with our
domesc or foreign suppliers and authorized public instuons and organizaons, limited to the
following purposes and in accordance with the relevant legislaon:
• Our Suppliers: Sharing with the suppliers we work in connecon with due to our clinical acvies,
within the scope of sending e-mail, informaon technologies, archive or cloud service, data analysis
and similar processes.
• Authorized public instuons and organizaons: In order to protect the rights, interests, privacy or
safety of you or other third pares, and to respond to requests, the clinic is authorized or required by
law or legal process, law enforcement authories, government agencies or public instuons,
regulatory bodies. sharing with authories and/or other persons who have the appropriate legal
authority or juscaon to obtain your informaon.
5. Cookies Used on Our Site
Cookies can be used to perform the basic funcons necessary for the website to work, to ensure that
the website works properly and to benet from the services oered on the website. Necessary
cookies are used on our website, and cookies that are required at least for a targeted funcon to
work are called mandatory cookies. It is used for security purposes in order to ensure the correct
funconing of our website and to perform the necessary basic funcons. These types of cookies are
necessary for site performance and are not subject to the approval of our visitors.
6. Use and Control of Cookies
You have the right to customize your preferences by changing the browser sengs in which you view
our website. If the browser you use oers this possibility, it is possible to change the preferences
regarding cookies through your browser sengs. Thus, although it may dier according to the
possibilies oered by the browser, data owners have the opportunity to prevent the use of cookies,
to receive a warning before cookies are used, or to disable or delete only some cookies. Preferences
on this subject vary according to the browser you use, and you can access the general explanaon at
hps:// Your preferences for cookies may need to be made separately for
each device you access our website.
Our website also has links to other web sites. Our website hps:// is not
responsible for the privacy policies and contents of other sites.
7. Your Rights as Data Subject/Relevant Person
As personal data owners, you can submit your requests regarding your rights through the methods
set out in the data subject applicaon procedure (Based on the Communiqué on Applicaon
Procedures and Principles to the Data Controller). Your identy can be conrmed in wring with
another document containing your mandatory informaon, or by using a registered e-mail (KEP)
address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature or an e-mail address previously noed to the
Clinic by the person concerned and registered in the Clinic's system. Ataköy 7-8-9-10, which is stated
below, which belongs to the Clinic in a way. If you send it to the address Kısım Mahallesi, Çobançeşme
E-5 Yanyol Caddesi, No: 20/1, A Block, Floor: 13, Flat: 167, Ataköy Towers, Bakırköy-İstanbul or to the
contact address, the Clinic will submit the request depending on the nature of
the request. as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest, free of charge. However, if the
process requires an addional cost, the fee in the tari determined by the Personal Data Protecon
Board will be charged by the Clinic. In this context, personal data owners;
● Learning whether personal data is processed or not,
● If personal data has been processed, requesng informaon about it,
● Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with its
● Knowing the third pares to whom personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
● Requesng correcon of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and requesng
nocaon of the transacon made within this scope to third pares to whom personal data has
been transferred,
● Requesng the deleon or destrucon of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its
processing cease to exist, despite the fact that it has been processed in accordance with the
provisions of the law and other relevant laws, and requesng that the transacon carried out in this
context be noed to the third pares to whom the personal data has been transferred,
● Objecng to the emergence of a result against the person himself by analyzing the processed data
exclusively through automated systems,
● Law of personal data
● has the right to demand the compensaon of the damage in case of loss due to processing in
violaon of the law.
Dentekiz Clinic assures that the provisions of the legislaon will nd an area of applicaon in case of
changes in the current legislaon and in case of any inconsistency between this Privacy and Cookie
Policy and the said amendment. For comprehensive informaon about your personal data, you can
review the Claricaon Text on the Protecon of Personal Data and the Website Visitor Claricaon
Text on the Protecon of Personal Data on the hps:// website.
Data Controller: Dentekiz Clinic
Address : Ataköy 7-8-9-10. Kısım District, Çobançeşme E-5 Yanyol Street, No:20/1, A Block, Floor: 13,
Flat: 167, Ataköy Towers, Bakırköy-Istanbul
Phone : +90 530 882 91 01